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Ensemble Avantgarde, Roland Kluttig - cond: For Franz Kline, For Frank O'Hara, De Kooning, Piano Piece to Philip Guston Ensemble Avantgarde, Roland Kluttig - cond: For Franz Kline, For Frank O'Hara, De Kooning, Piano Piece to Philip Guston

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Salome Kammer - voice, Ulrike Zech - mezzo-sopran, Christina Schonfeld, Gerlinde Demel, Gabriela An\rndt, Deaf Mute Actors, Torsten Ottersberg - live electronics, interaction, sampler, pre-recorder, Georg Morawietz - sound conception, realization, Kammere Salome Kammer - voice, Ulrike Zech - mezzo-sopran, Christina Schonfeld, Gerlinde Demel, Gabriela An\rndt, Deaf Mute Actors, Torsten Ottersberg - live electronics, interaction, sampler, pre-recorder, Georg Morawietz - sound conception, realization, Kammere

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Thurmchen Ensemble, Ensemble Recherche, Melitta Keller - viol, Inge Kolsch - viola, Klaus Steffes-Hollander - piano, Ulrich Walter - cello, Roland Kluttig - cond: Kammermusik 1983-95 Thurmchen Ensemble, Ensemble Recherche, Melitta Keller - viol, Inge Kolsch - viola, Klaus Steffes-Hollander - piano, Ulrich Walter - cello, Roland Kluttig - cond: Kammermusik 1983-95

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Thurmchen Ensemble, Roland Kluttig, Ensemble Accroche Note, Kammerensemble Pro Musica Nova Bremen, Klaus Bernbacher - cond, Volker Hoh - guitar, Georg Mertens - flute, Les Percussions de Strasbourg: Traumkraut / Tout est r?ver Thurmchen Ensemble, Roland Kluttig, Ensemble Accroche Note, Kammerensemble Pro Musica Nova Bremen, Klaus Bernbacher - cond, Volker Hoh - guitar, Georg Mertens - flute, Les Percussions de Strasbourg: Traumkraut / Tout est r?ver

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Thurmchen Ensemble, Roland Kluttig, Eric Ona - cond, Ensemble Recherche, Ulrike Zavelberg, Caspar Johannes Walter - violoncello: Treibstoff / Klarinettentrio Thurmchen Ensemble, Roland Kluttig, Eric Ona - cond, Ensemble Recherche, Ulrike Zavelberg, Caspar Johannes Walter - violoncello: Treibstoff / Klarinettentrio

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